The Art of war or Rules of caring for a rifle

2022 – in progress

The name of the project consists of two parts. The first – “The Art of war” – about a general view of the war in Ukraine. This is an attempt to describe how this war is fought, which follows the same principles as any other war hundreds of years ago, from the perspective of Sun Tzu’s ancient work – The Art of War. According to it – where you are slow, pretend to be fast, and where you are fast, pretend to be slow; where you are strong, pretend to be weak, where you are weak, pretend to be strong…

The second part in the title – “Rules for caring for a rifle” – is about specific everyday routine actions that soldiers ought to do in order to achieve victory for all of us in general. For that purpose they need to learn and repeat the same actions and movements every day, bringing them to sophistication, mastery and perfection – whether it’s cooking, or training on the range, or simply cleaning weapons.